We left off last week with the fact that I rediscovered myself through affirmations, counseling, and gastric bypass surgery. This week, I want to share with you my passion for helping others.
I've always felt passionate about encouraging other women and helping them, but through Mary Kay, Hello Sunshine Boutique, and now Conquering Crystal Coaching- I have learned that this is my calling in life! I desire to see other women succeed and feel worthy!!
For me, there is no better feeling than knowing a women feels good about herself and is succeeding in whatever journey she is on at the time. I don't want to sell you an article of clothing; I want to help you look in the mirror and say "dang, I look great!". That is literally my goal with Hello Sunshine Boutique! I want you to have the confidence that I have found.

Don't get me wrong- we all will have moments of feeling like nothing fits right or looks good; as women, that's a normal part of life. But, if you feel that way day in and day out, we need to work on your inner demons. Hence my reason for providing you with a weekly affirmation. Some may call it silly, but for me, it was my saving grace with my self confidence. I know my worth now. I know that God created me uniquely and that he makes no mistakes. Do I still on occasion look in the mirror and think "UGH, look at that fat roll?"- well, yes, I do. I'm pretty sure those moments will always pop up on occasion for me and probably for most women. It's how you react to those moments that will either define you or break you!
Confidence is key. Self worth is necessary. Knowing your value is important in life. God did not create you to live this life by merely getting by and loathing in self pity each day. He created you to be AMAZING!
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." -Psalm 139:14