Meet the Beautiful Becca

Meet the Beautiful Becca


Meet Becca- friend and long time customer of Hello Sunshine Boutique.  Becca and I met through our previous job.  We became fast friends and I'm so thankful to have her in my life!.

Her favorite item from HSB is this gorgeous mustard sweater.   She feels so confident in it!   You can literally see the confidence in her eyes! 

Becca lives in California with her husband and two sweet boys.   She loves sunshine, makeup, and coffee.   Stay at home Mom and Entrepreneur, Becca loves having comfortable, yet cute, clothes in her wardrobe.   

Becca is a woman who doesn't meet a stranger.  She's one of those people who will cheer you on, no matter what your struggle.  I'm thankful to be doing life with her!

Check out her Farmasi business at



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