On Monday, we tried a new recipe of crockpot ranch pork chops with potatoes. I did sear my pork chops before dumping everything in the crockpot and then I ran them, along with the potatoes, in the over after it was done to crisp the potatoes a bit. Next time, I will skip the oven step because they would have been delicious without that. I was just super worried about everything being soggy from the olive oil and butter. But, it turned out to be really good.
Ranch Pork Chop Recipe: www.shorturl.at/aenX3
On Tuesday, I jazzed the Arroz con pollo recipe up a bit and really kind of made it my own. I was tired that evening and following all of the steps of the original recipe just seemed to be too much for my brain to comprehend. So, this is what I did:
On Wednesday, we ended up skipping our meal plan and opted for an impromptu date night at the last minute. If you are local to the Clarksville area, I highly recommend you try out Strawberry Alley Ale. It was delicious.
Thursday’s meal of the day was Air Fried Chicken with steamed broccoli and I tossed in some mashed potatoes because- that’s almost a must to go with fried chicken, right? I was super surprised at how amazing the chicken turned out. The almond flour really worked well for this dish. I did spritz a little olive oil on each piece to get it to crisp a bit. It was the best fried chicken I’ve ever made!

On Friday, I couldn’t decide how to make healthy salmon patties. I looked at multiple recipes and none were what I wanted. I ended up just making my own out of almond flour and nutritional yeast. They tasted amazing, but I’m working to perfect the recipe so they stick together better. I added some pinto beans and turkey andouille sausage with kraut for a complete southern meal with a healthy twist!
Saturday was spent with family and friends. The only dish I made was crack corn salad, which may not be healthy, but it certainly is delicious with all of the bacon in it!
Breakfast: The overnight oats I made using almond milk, shakeology, oats, and blueberries/walnuts was absolutely amazing! It was also so very filling that most mornings I couldn't even finish my coffee!