Happy Sunday! This is the first week of meal planning that I’m posting on the blog.
Each weekend, I will post a blog with recipes/meals I plan to make for the upcoming week. At the end of the week, I will do a review blog on all of them (usually several are new!) and a separate blog for the upcoming week of meals.
One thing I feel it’s important to say is that meal planning is totally worth it. We do occasionally stray from the plan, but 95% of the time we eat what I plan and it’s way healthier than what we would eat if I had not planned ahead.
I do add in treat meals and some higher carb meals occasionally, so know that I am not perfect in eating healthy. What’s life if we can’t enjoy some of our favorite foods occasionally? My goal is to eat healthy 90% of the time. Meal planning helps me make that happen. But, I would be lying if I said I didn’t have an occasional piece of cake or treat. I enjoy food, as do most people. Keep your portions under control and aim for 90% healthy foods- and your body will thank you!
If you aren’t in my nutrition group, you can click here to join, because typically I post pics and reviews throughout the week!
This week's meal plan:
Sunday- We will be on the road, so no cooking tonight!
Monday- Ranch Pork Chops with potatoes and steamed garlic green beans.
Ranch Pork Chop Recipe: www.shorturl.at/aenX3
For Garlic green beans, I just simply wash my green beans, add water to my microwave steamer. Pour just a small amount of melted butter over them and add salt, pepper, and garlic powder to taste. It takes approximately six minutes in the microwave steamer for these to get done. If you have a fresh veggie button on your microwave, that works best.
Tuesday: Cauliflower Arroz Con Pollo
**I plan to add Monterrey Jack Cheese to this dish**
Wednesday- Chicken Parmesan with Whole wheat noodles and salad
Thursday- Air Fried Chicken with steamed broccoli
Friday- Healthier Salmon Patties with Pinto Beans
I cook my pinto beans in the crockpot with white pepper, black pepper, a tiny bit of salt, a couple slices of bacon, garlic, a bay leaf, and a dash of onion powder. I cook on low for at least 8 hours. I do not presoak the beans. I rinse them off before putting them in the crockpot.
Saturday- Cookout for the 4th of July with family. I'm making corn salad and including the link to the recipe. The changes I've made to this recipe is to add smoked paprika and chili powders.
Breakfast for the week: Overnight Shakeology Oats
**I plan to use vanilla shakeology and add blueberries and walnuts!**
Lunch for the week: Rotation of taco bowls and chili (that I will pull out of the freezer) (recipe for taco bowls at the end of the blog)
Snacks: Blueberries/Strawberries/Pecans mixed together