I’m about to get real with you guys.
Making time for your spouse can be difficult. Even with no kids in the picture, I find myself sometimes forgetting how very important date nights are for married couples. Maintaining and strengthening your relationship takes time and hard work.
When we dated, Jesse and I spent every free waking moment together that we could. Nine years later, we still spend a tremendous amount of time together, but it’s different now. It takes a little more effort to come up with creative date nights as we enter a new (ok, older) stage of our life.
We’ve survived me finishing my Bachelor’s degree and working on my MBA. We’ve survived the loss of loved ones. We’ve survived infertility and pregnancy loss. We survived working opposite shifts and having no days off together. We survived not having money to go out for date nights. But for some reason, I lost my balance recently.
As I’ve been attempting to balance work, household chores, life in general, and a growing business- I found that date nights got pushed to the side. Dinners together- pushed to the side. Cuddling before bedtime- pushed to the side. Holding hands- pushed to the side.
Y’all-Finding balance is hard! If you have kids, I am certain it’s even more difficult. But it’s important to find what works for you and your spouse.
I’m committing myself to one date night per week. It doesn’t mean we have to go out. Sometimes, going out is overrated! But each week- I’m taking an evening off from my life and I’m spending it with my husband. Join me on this commitment and journey. Maybe you have kids or you are in school and you can’t commit to one evening per week. That’s ok! If you haven’t been doing a regular date night, commit to one per month! You can always increase to twice per month or once per week later.
Our marriages are important and they are worth putting away our phones, tvs, iPads, etc for a few hours to spend time with that one person who lights up our world.
Check back next week for date night ideas and a little more in depth information on finding your balance!